Get your B.A. in Creative Writing

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A Creative Writing degree, which is offered by the Department of English, prepares you for a wide range of occupations! Many grads write for business, industry, and marketing; teach; publish their own creative work; or go on for their MFA.
- Author
- Editor
- Journalist
- Speech writer
- Grant writer
- Teacher
For your major, you will concentrate in poetry, fiction, or nonfiction, or just take a mixture. Sample courses include:
- ENGL 201: Introduction to the Writing of Creative Nonfiction
- ENGL 215: Elements of Craft in Creative Writing
- ENGL 304: Intermediate Fiction Writing
- ENGL 373B: Survey of British and American Literature from 1660 to 1865
- ENGL 380: Literary Analysis
- ENGL 409: Advanced Poetry Writing
You will also take at least four writing workshops, in which you draft, analyze, and revise manuscripts in a small-class setting
Ready to learn more?
- See degree requirements
- Learn about the Department of English
Get in touch with an SBS advisor:
Laura Owen